

  1. ملخص كتاب الكل يكذب سيث ستيفنز دافيدوفيتس
  2. ملخص كتاب اضغط زر التحديث: رحلة إعادة اكتشاف روح مايكروسوفت وتخيل مستقبل أفضل للجميع ساتيا نادالا
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  5. Questions and Answers about: Space Arcturus Publishing
  6. The Story of Computing John Dermot Turing
  7. Quantum Leaps: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World Jon Balchin
  8. Artificial Intelligence Richard Urwin
  9. 100 Catastrophic Disasters Nigel Cawthorne
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  12. Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment: The Definitive Threat Identification and Threat Reduction Handbook Ernie Hayden
  13. Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon Bill Carr
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  16. Tecnología, agencia y transhumanismo. Juan Carlos Moreno Ortiz
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  22. Is This Wi-Fi Organic?: A Guide to Spotting Misleading Science Online Dave Farina
  23. Applying Data Science: Business Case Studies Using SAS Gerhard Svolba
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  25. Robots John M. Jordan
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  27. Faraja Nyalandu on the technological revolution Reach for Change
  28. The Cold Start Problem: How to Start and Scale Network Effects Andrew Chen
  29. Unleashing the Power of IT: Bringing People, Business, and Technology Together Dan Roberts
  30. Competitividad e innovación: visiones desde las agrociencias. Liliana Chacón Jaramillo
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  36. Tecnología versus Humanidad: El Futuro Choque Entre Hombre y Máquina Gerd Leonhard
  37. Внедрение искусственного интеллекта в бизнес-практику: Преимущества и сложности Томас Дэвенпорт
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  44. Cybersecurity For Beginners: How To Implement The NIST Framework To Guard Against The Most Common Security Threats | 2 Books In 1 HUGO HOFFMAN
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  50. Tech Trends in Practice: The 25 Technologies that are Driving the 4th Industrial Revolution Bernard Marr