Não Estou Pronta Para Ser Escrava: Poderosas Orações Para Igualdade De Gênero, Empoderamento Feminino, Avanço Da Mulher, Parto Seguro.Olusola Coker
Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons: Powerful Midnight Prayers For Defeating And Overthrowing The Kingdom Of Darkness.Dr. Olusola Coker
Prayers That Routs Satan and Demons: Powerful Midnight Prayers For Defeating And Overthrowing The Kingdom Of Darkness.Dr. Olusola Coker
Orações Poderosas Contra As Atividades De Satanás: Orações Na Madrugada Para Superar Totalmente Os Ataques SatânicosOlusola Coker
Command The Day : Powerful Morning Prayers That Take Charge Of The Day - 30 Daily Devotions To Guide, Protect And Inspi: Powerful Morning Prayers That Take Charge Of The Day: 30 Daily Devotions To Guide, Protect And InspiDr. Olusola Coker
Command The Day: Powerful Morning Prayers That Take Charge Of The Day: 30 Daily Devotions To Guide, Protect And InspiDr. Olusola Coker
Powerful Prayers Against The Activities Of Satan: Midnight Prayers To Totally Overcome Satanic AttacksDr. Olusola Coker
Bye Bye To Witchcrafts - Powerful Prayers to Totally Destroy The Activities of Witchcraft in Your Life. Guaranteed Midnight prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Powers Completely: Powerful Prayers to Totally Destroy The Activities of Witchcraft in Your Life. Guaranteed Midnight prayers To Destroy WDr. Olusola Coker
Você Ainda Está Solteiro?: Orações Poderosas Garantidas Para Localizar Seu Cônjuge Divino.Dr. Olusola Coker
Curious Little Girl and the Witch on the Hill: A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship, Magic, and Self-DiscoveryOlusola Coker
Powerful Prayers Against the Activities of Satan: Midnight Prayers to Totally Overcome Satanic AttacksDr. Olusola Coker
Prayers Against Marine Spirits:: Powerful Prayers and Declarations to Totally Destroy the Activities of Water SpiritsDr. Olusola Coker
Command Your Finances: 21 Daily Devotions to provoke Abundant Blessings , Financial Breakthrough and ProsperityDr. Olusola Coker
Witchcraft Manipulation: Powerful Prayers and Declaration against Witchcraft ManipulatorsDr. Olusola Coker2
There is Power in the Tongue: Change Your Words, Fulfill Your Destiny: How to Unlock your Destiny with Prayer pointsDr. Olusola Coker
Trusting God For Your Miracle and Breakthrough Day by Day: 21 Daily Devotions leading to Your Miracle. 7 Daily Devotions leading to supernatural breakthroughDr. Olusola Coker
120 Common Dreams and Their Interpretations With 950 Powerful Deliverance Prayers to Totally Destroy Evil Dreams in Your Life: 950 Powerful Deliverance prayers to totally destroy Evil dreams in your life ByDr. Olusola Coker
Facing the Battles of Life: 21 Daily Devotions and Powerful Prayers to Ensure Breakthrough, Healing and Total Protection: from your enemies, Evil attacks, Satanic Attacks, Spiritual Attacks, Witchcraft Attacks, Works of the Devil:Dr. Olusola Coker
There Is No Excuse For Failing in Life:: 500 prayers that enable you to discover yourself and open doors to breakthroughDr. Olusola Coker
Trusting God For Your Miracle and Breakthrough Day by Day:: 21 Daily Devotions leading to Your Miracle. 7 Daily Devotions leading to supernatural breakthroughDr. Olusola Coker
Command the Month: Powerful Prayers and Declarations That Take Charge of Each Month of the Year: 12 Monthly Devotions to Guide, Protect and inspire you Each Month.Dr. Olusola Coker
Powerful Night Prayers That Will Destroy the Powers of Darkness and Change Your Life Forever: 900 Powerful prayers and Declarations for Deliverance, Breakthrough, success, promotion, and release of your blessingsDr. Olusola Coker
What is Your Purpose In Life?:: Relentless Determination to Discover Your Purpose On EarthDr. Olusola Coker4
Command the Day: Powerful Morning Prayers that take Charge of the Day: 30 Daily Devotions to Guide, Protect and Inspire you Each Day.Dr. Olusola Coker
Command the Night: Powerful Night Prayers That Take Charge of the Night: 30 Daily Devotions to Guide, Protect, and ensure Good Night Sleep Each DayDr. Olusola Coker
True Love: The Secrets to Love That Last Forever: Discover the Real Man and the Real WomanDr. Olusola Coker
Daily Devotion with the Holy Spirit: 30 Days Devotional: to Enhance Intimacy and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit & Prayers that will change your life for ever.Dr. Olusola Coker
I Am Not Ready To Be A Slave: Guaranteed Powerful Prayers For Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Women Advancement, Safe DeliveryDr. Olusola Coker
Domine O Dia: Poderosas Orações Matinais Para Inspirar: 30 Devoções Diárias Para Orientar, Proteger E Inspirar.Dr. Olusola Coker5
Prayers Against Marine Spirits: Powerful Prayers And Declarations To Totally Destroy The Activities Of Water SpiritsDr. Olusola Coker
Orações Contra Os Espíritos Marinhos: Orações E Declarações Poderosas Para Destruir Totalmente As Atividades Dos Espíritos Das ÁguasDr. Olusola Coker