Best of Melville: Moby-Dick + D. H. Lawrence's critique of Moby-Dick + Typee + The Piazza Tales (The Piazza + Bartleby + Benito Cereno + The Lightning-Rod Man + The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles + The Bell-Tower) + The Confidence-Man


Terror y Suspenso

Best of Melville: Moby-Dick + D. H. Lawrence's critique of Moby-Dick + Typee + The Piazza Tales (The Piazza + Bartleby + Benito Cereno + The Lightning-Rod Man + The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles + The Bell-Tower) + The Confidence-Man


Terror y Suspenso

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Cover for Best of Melville: Moby-Dick + D. H. Lawrence's critique of Moby-Dick + Typee + The Piazza Tales (The Piazza + Bartleby + Benito Cereno + The Lightning-Rod Man + The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles + The Bell-Tower) + The Confidence-Man
Cover for Best of Melville: Moby-Dick + D. H. Lawrence's critique of Moby-Dick + Typee + The Piazza Tales (The Piazza + Bartleby + Benito Cereno + The Lightning-Rod Man + The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles + The Bell-Tower) + The Confidence-Man

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