Simple_Complexity: A Management Book for the Rest of Us: A Guide to Systems Thinking - William Donaldson

Simple_Complexity: A Management Book for the Rest of Us: A Guide to Systems Thinking

Simple_Complexity: A Management Book for the Rest of Us: A Guide to Systems Thinking

0 0 5 Höfundur: William Donaldson
“A guide that introduces system thinking, thereby demystifying the management process and helping you see your entire situation and a clear path forward.” —Eric Dean, CEO, Whereoware

Every manager knows a business is a system, yet very few have studied systems thinking or system dynamics. This is a critical oversight, one which Simple_Complexity remedies. Simple_Complexity reveals the fundamental system archetype at work in your enterprise and prescribes new and exciting ways to re-invigorate your management thinking. Picking up where the greats in management thought leave off, Simple_Complexity provides a systems context that powerfully enriches traditional management thought and practice.

“Willy takes the powerful but complex discipline of systems thinking, lays it bare for everyone to see and comprehend through real and practical examples. He helps readers understand that systems invariably comprise and touch every activity and part of the enterprise and not understanding them can lead to devastating results.” —Lance Drummond, Executive in Residence Christopher Newport University, Luter School of Business, Board Member Freddie Mac

“Simple_Complexity will push your thinking about organizations and the people who manage and populate them to a new level. You will never view organizations in the same way again.” —Michael Fraser, President & CEO, National Technologies Associates, Inc.

“[A] practical little book on leadership. Here is someone with (a) real-world experience, (b) advanced academic credentials, and (c) a humble spirit, and he is willing to do one thing: he translates fresh ideas from systems thinking into language that anyone with a lick of ambition can understand and use.” —Nathan Harter, author of Cultural Dynamics and Leadership
Tungumál: enska Flokkur: Viðskiptabækur Þýðandi:

Meiri upplýsingar um rafbókina

Útgefandi: Morgan James Publishing
Útgefið: 2017-04-11
ISBN: 9781683500759

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