Give a gift card to someone you care about!

A Storytel gift card gives your friends and family the opportunity to listen to an unlimited number of audiobooks on their mobile phones.

1. Your e-mail

I have an account

If you have a Storytel account, please log in to continue.

I don't have an account

If you don’t have a Storytel account, please enter your email address to continue.

2. Choose gift card

All our gift cards include the Storytel Unlimited subscription, which gives full access to Storytel’s wide range of book titles. For more information about Storytel Unlimited, read our FAQ. The gift card is valid for 2 years from purchase date. Read more about our gift cards

1 month



3 months



6 months



12 months



3. Choose payment method

After the payment is completed you will get the option to send your gift card to the receiver directly by email, or to print it.

Click here and pay by card

You start by purchasing your gift card and in Step 2 you will have the opportunity to do it more personally. You can either send the gift card directly to your friend by e-mail, or you can print it out to give it away.