Christianity and Christian living

Christianity and Christian living

  1. The Nehemiah Code: Audio Bible Studies: It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning O. S. Hawkins
  2. Forever Safe Jody Hedlund
  3. Letters to the Church Francis Chan
  4. Pneumatology: Knowing the Holy Spirit John G. Lake
  5. In Times Gone By Tracie Peterson
  6. Created to Be God's Friend: Lessons from the Life of Abraham Henry T Blackaby
  7. The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History Michael Baigent
  8. What If...God Has Other Plans?: Finding Hope When Life Throws You the Unexpected Charles R. Swindoll
  9. DIVINE ENCOUNTERS: A Collection of Inspirational Stories Sharon McDougle
  10. Episkope: The Theory and Practice of Translocal Oversight
  11. Wünsch dich ins Wunder-Weihnachtsland Band 6 Martina Meier
  12. Creed: A Seven-Week Reflection Guide on the Apostles' Creed J.D. Walt
  13. (un)Puzzled: Ephesians J.D. Walt
  14. John Wesley's Extract of The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Dying Jeremy Taylor
  15. Encounter the Spirit Carolyn Moore
  16. From Almost to the Altogether: Sermons on Christian Discipleship John Wesley
  17. Yes!?: A Field Guide for Those Answering the Call to Ministry Marilyn Elliott
  18. Encounter Jesus Carolyn Moore
  19. Revival Rising: Preparing for the Next Great Wave of Awakening Mark Nysewander
  20. Wake Up: An Introduction to the Second Half of the Gospel J.D. Walt
  21. From the Steeple to the Street: Innovating Mission and Ministry Through Fresh Expressions of Church Travis Collins
  22. Everything Can Change in Forty Days: A Journey of Transformation in Christ Jean Watson
  23. Grow at Home: A Beginner's Guide to Family Discipleship Winfield Bevins
  24. God Is Friendship: A Theology of Spirituality, Community, and Society Brian Edgar
  25. Campus gods: Exposing the Idols That Can Derail Your Present and Destroy Your Future Guy Chmieleski
  26. How God Saves the World: A Short History of Global Christianity Timothy C. Tennent
  27. The Social Entrepreneur: The Business of Changing the World
  28. Thirteen Discourses on the Sermon on the Mount John Wesley
  29. Beyond the Deception of Depression: What the Bible Taught Me Martha O'Reilly
  30. Shaping Their Future: Mentoring Students Through Their Formative College Years Guy Chmieleski
  31. This We Believe: Meditations on the Apostles' Creed Timothy C. Tennent
  32. Discipleship Bands: A Practical Field Guide Mark Benjamin
  33. Long Story Short: The Bible in Six Simple Movements Joshua McNall
  34. Rhythms of Restoration: Practicing Grief on the Path of Grace; A Field Guide of Mini-Retreats for the Hurting and Those Who Help Them Laura Beach
  35. Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice: Volume Two of Spirituality for the Streets Series Amberly Strebeck
  36. The Call to Holiness: Pursuing the Heart of God for the Love of the World Timothy C. Tennent
  37. The Quest for Holiness: From Deadly Sin to Divine Virtue David C. Long
  38. The Gospel of Jesus Ben Witherington
  39. Kingdom Tide: Unleashing the Ripple Effect of Awakening Matt LeRoy
  40. Seeing Black and White in a Gray World: The Need for Theological Reasoning in the Church's Debate Over Sexuality Bill T. Arnold
  41. Prayers for Ordinary Days Howard A. Snyder
  42. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  43. The Fulfillment: Jesus and the Old Testament Timothy C. Tennent
  44. About Abortion: Ten Things a New Generation of Christians Should Know James V. Heidinger III
  45. The Class Meeting: Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Group Experience Kevin Watson
  46. The Tongue of Fire: The True Power of Christianity William Arthur
  47. Reclaiming the Lost Soul of Youth Ministry Jeremy Steele
  48. Called: Following a Future Filled with the Possible John David Walt
  49. Thirty Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith Timothy C. Tennent
  50. Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand Dave Harrity