1. KNDFE8 แบบฝึกหัดใช้ Adjective ให้ถูกหลักใน 10 ประโยค THE STANDARD
  2. Un Curso Sencillo de Persa para Hablantes de Español: Aprende Palabras y Frases Esenciales en Persa Maryam Khorasani
  3. Chilean Spanish for Travel: A Simple Guide To The Spanish Dialect of Chile for Tourists Catalina Silva Munoz
  4. Philosophy of Language: Words, Meaning, and Reality Hector Davidson
  5. Pragmatism: Philosophy and Truth in Action Hector Davidson
  6. Un Curso Sencillo de Búlgaro para Hablantes de Español: Aprende Palabras y Frases Esenciales en Búlgaro Elena Dimitrova
  7. Start Learning Quebec French With The Story-Based Method: Progressive Canadian French texts with translations and word guides Kelly Austin
  8. Story Secrets: Transform Your Screenwriting Skills: "Unlock your screenwriting potential with dynamic audio lessons crafted to elevate your storytelling abilities!" Jareth Cresswell
  9. Un Curso Sencillo de Indonesio para Hablantes de Español: Aprende Palabras y Frases Esenciales en Indonesio Dewi Nusantara
  10. Un Curso Práctico de Bengalí para Hispanohablantes: A Bengali Course for Spanish Speakers Priya Chatterjee
  11. The Plot Module: The Ultimate Chapter-by-Chapter Guide on How to Write a Novel Outline Jason Hamilton
  12. Abc Fimalia McNoll
  13. Un Curso Práctico de Vietnamita para Hispanohablantes: A Vietnamese Course for Spanish Speakers Nguyen Thu Ha
  14. Think For Your Victim: Empathy And Empowerment In Understanding Others Anthony Jones
  15. Understanding Cognitive Biases: An Overview of Common Mental Shortcuts William Rands