
  1. Power Positions: Championship Prescriptions for Ultimate Sports Performance Andrea Hudy
  2. Un científico en el supermercado: Un viaje por la ciencia de las pequeñas cosas José Manuel López Nicolás
  3. Nature on Paper: Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850 Anne Greenwood MacKinney
  4. 초등학생을 위한 박학다식 이야기 : 과학 좋은생각 편집부
  5. The Fourth Civilization, Volume Two: Technology, Ethics, and Society Richard J. Sutcliffe
  6. Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World Martin K Ettington
  7. Quantum Leaps: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World Jon Balchin
  8. Science: 100 Scientists Who Changed the World Jon Balchin
  9. De Grote Wetenschappers Anne Rooney
  10. Die Berühmtesten Wissenschaftler John Farndon
  11. E45: В капана на разяждащата самота. Има ли спасение? Obekti
  12. Soulminder Timothy Zahn
  13. Against the Odds: Women Pioneers of Science John Gribbin & Mary Gribbin
  14. A Practical Guide to CBT: How to Change Elaine Iljon Foreman
  15. The Selfish Gene: Book Summary & Analysis Richard Dawkins
  16. Brief Answers to the Big Questions: Book Summary & Analysis Stephen Hawking
  17. Origin Story: Book Summary & Analysis David Christian
  18. Starry Messenger: Book Summary & Analysis Neil deGrasse Tyson
  19. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals Charles Darwin
  20. Fermentation for Beginners: The Step-by-Step Guide to Fermentation and Probiotic Foods Drakes Press
  21. On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  22. Fungi: The Hidden Kingdom Beneath Our Feet Robin A. Moss
  23. Y ahora... ¿qué hacemos?: cómo las empresas pueden gestionar comunicacionalmente una crisis y salir fortalecidas Germán Silva
  24. Saving the Chesapeake: The History of a Movement Andrew S. Ramey
  25. Teaching in the Online Classroom: Surviving and Thriving in the New Normal Doug Lemov
  26. Begabte Bäume Bodo Hell
  27. Is That a Fact?: Frauds, Quacks, and the Real Science of Everyday Life Dr. Joe Schwarcz
  28. Construir el mundo Enrique Gracián
  29. A Small Fiction: An Illustrated Collection of Little Stories James Mark Miller
  30. Serendipias | Esto sí es un juego SER Podcast
  31. Serendipias | Moure oye voces | ¿Por qué a los bebés les flipa el cucú trastrás? SER Podcast
  32. How to Die in Space: A Journey through Dangerous Astrophysical Phenomena Paul M. Sutter
  33. الكيمياء في خدمة الإنسان د. عبد الملك عبد الرحمن
  34. مفاتيح العلوم محمد بن أحمد بن يوسف الخوارزمي
  35. بين البقاء والفناء قدري حافظ طوقان
  36. ¿Qué ha sido de nuestra formación sociopolítica en educación matemática? Francisco Javier Camelo Bustos
  37. La Voz Interior Armando Hernandez
  38. Ikigai: The Path to a Fulfilled Life: Exploring the Intersection of Passion, Mission, Vocation, and Profession Mia Collins
  39. Poéticas Orais Quilombosertanejas: Identidade Cultural em Volta Grande – Barro Alto, BA Carlene Vieira Dourado
  40. Identificación De Radio Frecuencia: Ideas Y Principios Fundamentales Sobre RFID Owen Jones
  41. The Science of Sorcery: Understanding Illusion and Reality William Ubagan
  42. The Origins of Everything in 100 Pages (More or Less) David Bercovici
  44. How To Judge A Nativity Alan Leo
  45. The Mercurian Dirk Wylie
  46. The Bold Frontier: Stories John Jakes
  47. A Walk in the Animal Kingdom: Essays on Animals Wild and Tame Jerry Dennis
  48. The Best of C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Henry Kuttner
  49. Broken Symmetries Paul Preuss
  50. Danny’s Doodles: The Jelly Bean Experiment David A. Adler