Coaching personal

  1. El poder de confiar en ti. Nueva edición narrada por el autor: Aprende a tener fe en ti y conseguirás lo que quieras Curro Cañete
  2. Power Positions: Championship Prescriptions for Ultimate Sports Performance Andrea Hudy
  3. Learn All About RUGBY: From The Basics To Advanced Gameplay And Strategy Owen Jones
  4. Five Banners: Inside the Duke Basketball Dynasty John Feinstein
  5. Motivación clave del éxito Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero
  6. No More Holding Back: Audio Bible Studies: Emboldening Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere Kat Armstrong
  7. Habilidades para el Fútbol: Mejora la Posesión y los Pases de tu Equipo a través de Ejercicios de Primera Categoría Chest Dugger
  8. Ofensa en el Fútbol: Consejos y Ejercicios para Contrarrestar a los Equipos de Fútbol Defensivos Chest Dugger
  9. High School Football: Offensive Line Play — Fundamentals, Skills, Techniques Ned Ennis
  10. The Tao of Chip Kelly: Lessons from America's Most Innovative Coach Mark Saltveit
  11. How to Win at the Sport of Business Mark Cuban
  12. God's Coach: The Hymns, Hype, and Hypocrisy of Tom Landry's Cowboys Skip Bayless
  13. Swing Your Sword: Leading the Charge in Football and Life Michael Lewis
  14. The Ice Bowl: The Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys Season of 1967 Mike Shropshire
  15. Meat Market: Inside the Smash-Mouth World of College Football Recruiting Bruce Feldman
  16. Controlled Chaos: Chip Kelly's Football Revolution Mark Saltveit
  17. 1996: A Biography: Reliving the Legend-Packed, Dynasty-Stacked, Most Iconic Sports Year Ever Jon Finkel
  18. How to Succeed in the Game of Life: 34 Interviews with the World's Greatest Coaches Christian Klemash
  19. Unfinished Business: On and Off the Court with the 1990–91 Boston Celtics Jack McCallum
  20. Court Justice: The Inside Story of My Battle Against the NCAA Michael McCann
  21. Pitino: My Story Rick Pitino
  22. The Players' Coach: From Bradshaw to Manning, Brady, and Beyond Rick Stroud
  23. Las 3 claves para mantener la motivación Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero
  24. Power Positions: Championship Prescriptions for Ultimate Sports Performance Andrea Hudy
  25. Outro Patamar: Análises sobre o Flamengo de 2019 e as lições para o futebol brasileiro Téo Benjamin
  26. Los 7 momentos del coaching: Conversaciones para un viaje interior Alberto Ribera
  27. Tan Lines to Finish Lines: 9 Pillars of XC Dynasties Matthew Brunken
  28. Praxis Kommunikation: Coaching mit Neurokompetenz: Einzelartikel aus der Praxis Kommunikation Heft 1/2023 Alica Ryba
  29. Coaching im Grenzbereich: Effektive Tools für schnelle Veränderung und Kriseninterventionen auf der Grenze zwischen Psychotherapie und Coaching Isa Schlott
  30. Zukunfts-Resilienz: Stark werden in Krisenzeiten Harry Siegmund
  31. Wie Veränderung gelingt: Selbstführung in Coaching und Selbstcoaching Thomas Dietz
  32. Selbstwirksamkeit stärken: Wie Coaches ihre Klient:innen befähigen und beflügeln Monika Feichtinger
  33. Praxis Kommunikation: Life- und Careerdesigning mit Design Thinking: Einzelartikel aus der Praxis Kommunikation Heft 1/2023 Martina Nohl
  34. The 7 Moments of Coaching: Stories of inner journeys Alberto Ribera
  35. Magic of Knowing What You Want: A Practical Guide to Unearthing the Wisdom of Your Desires Tracey Gee
  36. My Turn: The Autobiography Johan Cruyff
  37. Lo mejor de ti: El arte de conocerse y cuidarse a uno mismo para ser feliz Claudia Osborne
  38. Menschen & Organisationen entwickeln: Beratungs-, Coaching- und Trainingskompetenzen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater (mit internen und externen Einsatzmöglichkeiten) Erwin Hoffmann
  39. Resistencia y entrenamiento: Una metodología práctica Mariano García-Verdugo Delmas
  40. The Daily Edge: Simple Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Make an Impact Every Day David Horsager
  41. Baloncesto formativo: La preparación física III. De juniors a seniors Pablo Esper Di Cesare
  42. Factor PDP pasión disciplina y perseverancia Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero
  43. Exercises on the Flying Rings William J. Cromie
  44. Life Coaching And Purpose Santiago Machain
  45. Brilliance by Design: Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage Vicki Halsey
  46. Know What You're FOR: Audio Bible Studies: A Strategy for Living the Life God Wants You to Live Jeff Henderson
  47. Вся методика Джона Кехо: Подсознание исполнит ваше желание Валерий Гофман
  48. The Tournament Golfer's Playbook: Change your mind, Change your life: The Path of the Tournament Golfer Mike Booker
  49. Frozen Freedom: Unlock the Power of Cold Therapy and Mental Resilience Logan J. Barrett
  50. Find Your Path through Imposter Syndrome: Powerful techniques to help you see your worth Jess Henley