
  1. A Brief History of Intelligence: Why the Evolution of the Brain Holds the Key to the Future of AI Max Bennett
  2. Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning: Podcast Bryan DeHart
  3. Deep Learning Bitcoin Price Prediction: Podcast Bryan DeHart
  4. Excel Custom Functions Straight to the Point: Creating Dynamic Excel Custom Functions with JavaScript and Web Services Suat M Ozgur
  5. Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling: Turning Data into Action Chuck Sherman
  6. Machine Learning Made Simple: A Practical Introduction: Building Intelligent Algorithms from Scratch Daniel Lee
  7. Quantum Machine Learning for Beginners: Exploring Quantum Machine Learning from Scratch Chuck Sherman
  8. Mastering ScyllaDB: High-Performance NoSQL with C++ Robert Johnson
  9. Mastering Helidon: Building Microservices with Java Robert Johnson
  10. Machine Learning Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide to Building and Deploying Intelligent Systems Chuck Sherman
  11. Mastering Apache Pinot: Real-Time Analytics at Scale Robert Johnson
  12. Mastering Open Policy Agent: Policy-Based Control for Modern Systems Robert Johnson
  13. Mastering Apache Arrow: Accelerating Data Processing and In-Memory Analytics Robert Johnson
  14. HBR Guide to Generative AI for Managers Elisa Farri
  15. The Ceph Handbook: Building and Managing Scalable Distributed Storage Systems Robert Johnson
  16. Mastering OpenTelemetry: Building Scalable Observability Systems for Cloud-Native Applications Robert Johnson
  17. The OpenVPN Handbook: Secure Your Networks with Virtual Private Networking Robert Johnson
  18. Mastering ClickHouse: High-Performance Data Analytics for Modern Applications Robert Johnson
  19. Mastering Splunk for Cybersecurity: Advanced Threat Detection and Analysis Robert Johnson
  20. Mastering Vector Databases: The Future of Data Retrieval and AI Robert Johnson
  21. Mastering Sails.js: Build Scalable and Modern Web Applications Robert Johnson
  22. Mastering OpenShift: Deploy, Manage, and Scale Applications on Kubernetes Robert Johnson
  23. Mastering Cloudflare: Optimizing Security, Performance, and Reliability for the Web Robert Johnson
  24. Feature Flagging with LaunchDarkly: Modern Approaches to Progressive Deployment Robert Johnson
  25. Mastering SPARQL: Querying the Semantic Web with RDF Robert Johnson
  26. Mastering IndexedDB: Efficient Client-Side Storage for Web Applications Robert Johnson
  27. Netlify Essentials: A Guide to Jamstack Hosting and Automation Robert Johnson
  28. Mastering SvelteKit: Building High-Performance Web Applications Robert Johnson
  29. The WebAssembly Handbook: Unlocking Speed and Efficiency for the Web Robert Johnson
  30. The Kubeflow Handbook: Streamlining Machine Learning on Kubernetes Robert Johnson
  31. The MLflow Handbook: End-to-End Machine Learning Lifecycle Management Robert Johnson
  32. Mastering Apache Iceberg: Managing Big Data in a Modern Data Lake Robert Johnson
  33. Hugging Face Transformers Essentials: From Fine-Tuning to Deployment Robert Johnson
  34. Mastering Delta Lake: Optimizing Data Lakes for Performance and Reliability Robert Johnson
  35. The FastAPI Handbook: Simplifying Web Development with Python Robert Johnson
  36. The Snowflake Handbook: Optimizing Data Warehousing and Analytics Robert Johnson
  37. Databricks Essentials: A Guide to Unified Data Analytics Robert Johnson
  38. Apache Sedona Essentials: A Practical Guide to Spatial Data Processing Robert Johnson
  39. The Microsoft Fabric Handbook: Simplifying Data Engineering and Analytics Robert Johnson
  40. Mastering Apache Hudi: Building Real-Time Data Lakes Robert Johnson
  41. LangChain Essentials: From Basics to Advanced AI Applications Robert Johnson
  42. The Mulesoft Handbook: Simplifying Enterprise Application Connectivity Robert Johnson
  43. Ransomware Essentials: Understanding the Threats and Defenses Robert Johnson
  44. AWS CDK Essentials: A Beginner's Guide to Infrastructure as Code Robert Johnson
  45. Mastering Amazon Redshift: Scalable Cloud Data Warehousing Robert Johnson
  46. Mastering DuckDB: High-Performance Analytics Made Easy Robert Johnson
  47. Mastering Trino: The Definitive Guide to Distributed SQL Robert Johnson
  48. Mastering LlamaIndex: Simplifying Data Access for Large Language Models Robert Johnson
  49. The RabbitMQ Handbook: Simplifying Messaging for Modern Applications Robert Johnson
  50. AWS CLI Essentials: A Beginner's Guide to Cloud Automation Robert Johnson