The Middle East

  1. Quran - Muhammad Paigambar Deepa Deshmukh
  2. The Afghan Wars: History in an Hour Rupert Colley
  3. Rojava: A Novel of Kurdish Freedom Sharam Qawami
  4. The Secrets of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean: An In-Depth Journey into Ancient Wisdom, Esoteric Knowledge, and the Power of Self-Transformation Robert Sandoval
  5. Intermediate Arabic: Broaden Your Arabic Vocabulary and Cultural Understanding Omnia Al Farsi
  6. Bible History and Myth World History
  7. When The Sun Went Out: A science fiction story Dr. Amr Mounir
  8. Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East Rashid Khalidi
  9. The House Divided: Sunni, Shia and the Making of the Middle East Barnaby Rogerson
  10. Socotra Hilary Bradt
  11. The Middle Eastern Cookbook Maria Khalife
  12. Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine that Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict Yardena Schwartz
  13. The Crusades World History
  14. The City of the Sultan: The City Life and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836 (Vol. 1&2) Complete Edition Miss Pardoe
  15. Bütün Şiirleri: "Hayat hikayesi ilaveli" Sabahattin Ali
  16. Esirler: (Oyun) Sabahattin Ali
  17. Perfumes And Blood: A crime and mystery novel Ahmed Ewis
  18. Babylon: The Ancient Wonder of Mesopotamia Josie Hertz
  19. The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory Brian Fishman
  20. Iqbal Francesco D'Adamo
  21. Islam: A Short History Karen Armstrong
  22. Chronicles Of The Crusades: Contemporary narratives of the Crusade of Richard Couer De Lion and of the Crusade of Saint Louis Lord John De Joinville
  23. The Most Enigmatic Woman in History: Unraveling the Mystery of a Legendary Female Figure John Harpoon
  24. The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It: Book Summary & Analysis Suraiya Faroqhi
  25. West-Eastern Divan Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  26. Epic Secrets from Ancient Kings and the Lives They Shaped: "Discover the epic tales of ancient kings! Engaging audio lessons await to enrich your exploration of their timeless secrets." Finnian Prowse
  27. Storm from the East: The Struggle Between the Arab World and the Christian West Milton Viorst
  28. Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape Raja Shehadeh
  29. A History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs Through the Romans Eric Cline
  30. A Thousand Years of Jewish History: "From the Days of Alexander the Great to the Moslem Conquest of Spain" Maurice H. Harris
  31. Jerusalem: Historical Novel Selma Lagerlöf
  32. A Genocide Foretold: Reporting on Survival and Resistance in Occupied Palestine Chris Hedges
  33. Spoiled Rotten: A social dramatic novel Mohamed Elagoza
  34. Between the Rocks and the Olive Tree/بين الصخر والزيتونة Zein Amro
  35. Saddam Hussein: Warmonger, Invader, Dictator, and Oil Trader Kelly Mass
  36. Mesopotamian Civilizations and Empires: An Enthralling Journey Through Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyria Billy Wellman
  37. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
  38. Osman I: Biography of the Founder of the Ottoman Dynasty Kelly Mass
  39. History of the Middle East: Various Aspects of the Region (6 in 1) Kelly Mass
  40. The Kurds: History of a Forgotten Ethnic Minority Kelly Mass
  41. Darius the Great: Biography of the Persian Ruler during the Achaemenid Empire Kelly Mass
  42. The End of Ambition: America's Past, Present and Future in the Middle East Steven A. Cook
  43. The Prophet Kahlil Gibran
  44. Layali Lubnan: My Authentic Classic Lebanese Recipes for Your Home Kitchen Vernon R. Sebastian
  45. The Enchantingly Easy Persian Cookbook Shadi HasanzadeNemati
  46. The Life of Weni Scriptural Research Institute
  47. The Life of Harkhuf Scriptural Research Institute
  48. Summary of Trey Yingst’s Black Saturday IRB Media
  49. Battle Scars: Twenty Years Later: 3d Battalion 5th Marines Looks Back at the Iraq War and How it Changed Their Lives Chip Reid
  50. Constantinople: History of the Byzantine Empire’s Gigantic Capital Kelly Mass