
Princeton Theological Monograph Series 시리즈 책들 순서대로

  1. A Historical Theology of Worship: Understanding Freedom, Order, and Participation from the Perspective of a Free Church Tradition Elaine Sarah Colechin
  2. Beyond the Academy: Lived Asian Public Theology of Religions David Thang Moe
  3. Crowned with Immortal Glory: Eschatological Hope in the Spirituality of William Perkins Matthew Hutton Hartline
  4. Simul Sanctification: Barth’s Hidden Vision for Human Transformation Jeff McSwain
  5. Living in the Eighth Day: The Christian Week and the Paschal Mystery Steven Underdown
  6. Hanging On and Rising Up: Renewing, Re-envisioning, and Rebuilding the Cross from the “Marginalized” Patricia Cuyatti Chávez
  7. The Brightest Mirror of God’s Works: John Calvin’s Theological Anthropology Nico Vorster
  8. Church and World: Eusebius's, Augustine's, and Yoder's Interpretations of the Constantinian Shift Simon P. Schmidt
  9. Eccentricity in Anthropology: David H. Kelsey’s Anthropological Formula as a Way Out of the Substantive-Relational Imago Dei Debate Stephen R. Milford
  10. Handling Dissonance: A Musical Theological Aesthetic of Unity Chelle L. Stearns
  11. Marriage, Sex, and Procreation: Contemporary Revisions to Augustine’s Theology of Marriage Steven Schafer
  12. Greening the Children of God: Thomas Traherne and Nature’s Role in the Ecological Formation of Children Chad Michael Rimmer
  13. Obedience from First to Last: The Obedience of Jesus Christ in Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Reconciliation Edmund Fong
  14. Confronting Technology: The Theology of Jacques Ellul Matthew T. Prior
  15. A Trinitarian Theology of Nature Lisanne Winslow
  16. Person, Personhood, and the Humanity of Christ: Christocentric Anthropology and Ethics in Thomas F. Torrance Hakbong Kim
  17. Trinity and History: The God-World Relation in the Theology of Dorner, Barth, Pannenberg, and Jenson Scott P. Rice
  18. Presupposing God: Theological Epistemology in Immanuel Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and Karl Barth’s Theology Robert A. Hand
  19. Making Christ Real: The Peril and Promise of Kenosis Samuel J. Youngs
  20. One Church in Christ: The Confessional Foundations of Ecclesiastical Unity in Karl Barth 1921–38 Troy J. Onsager

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