영프로페셔널 위한 커리어 책

  1. 야, 너두 할 수 있어: 당신이 결심한 모든 것을 이루는 8가지 강력한 무기 김민철
  2. 나를 믿고 일한다는 것 우미영
  3. Called: Following a Future Filled with the Possible John David Walt
  4. COMMENT RÉUSSIR LE NOUVEAU CONCOURS DE L'INSP ?: La méthode infaillible en 7 points pour réussir le concours LENA HERITAGE
  5. Managing Your Career Harvard Business Review
  6. Develop: 7 Practical Tools to Take Charge of Your Career Ted Fleming
  7. 205. La maternidad es bonita pero también es un meteorito que pone tu vida patas arriba. Con Bibiana Mesa. Charo Vargas
  8. The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace: Know What Boosts Your Value, Kills Your Chances, & Will Make You Happier Cy Wakeman
  9. Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership Linda A. Hill
  10. 206. De cantar en la calle a ser un referente en el mundo de la comunicación. Con Mónica Galán. Charo Vargas
  11. 207. Los astros, nuestro propósito y el nuevo año. Con Pablo Flores. Charo Vargas
  12. El currículum que triunfa Mariangela Rustico
  13. 208. Cómo hacer crecer tu dinero con Pau Antó. Charo Vargas
  14. #ENTRYLEVELBOSS: a 9-step guide for finding a job you like (and actually getting hired to do it) Alexa Shoen
  15. Make Your Mark in the Workplace: How To Build Your Personal Brand James Espey OBE
  16. Shapers: Reinvent the Way You Work and Change the Future Jonas Altman
  17. 211. Cómo tener un parto bonito y amoroso. Con Carmen Moreno. Charo Vargas
  18. 687: EP 1. FLAVOUR-ful Lives - Ravishankar Iyer Play to Potential Podcast
  19. 210. Cómo brillar en tus relaciones. Con Elva Abril. Charo Vargas
  20. Team AI: Efficiënter, slimmer én fijner werken met artificiële intelligentie Ann de Bisschop
  21. Negotiating Your Salary: Get the money and recognition you deserve 50minutes
  22. The Broken Rung: When the Career Ladder Breaks for Women--and How They Can Succeed in Spite of It Maria del Mar Martinez
  23. 211. Aprender a vivir y aprender a delegar. Con Borja Mera. Charo Vargas
  24. Resume Guide Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle, Resume Writing, Resume Robert Clark
  25. 688: EP 2. FLAVOUR-ful Lives - Sangeeta Shahaney Play to Potential Podcast
  26. Who Needs College Anymore?: Imagining a Future Where Degrees Won't Matter Kathleen deLaski
  27. 212. Jefa de tus vidas contadas: La historia de CHARUCA. Con Charo Vargas y Enric Sánchez. Charo Vargas
  28. 213. Más frescas, más guapas y más sanas gracias al ayuno. Con Edgar Barrionuevo. Charo Vargas
  29. Becoming You Suzy Welch
  30. 689: Navigating the Long and Messy Midlife | Deepak Jayaraman | Ravi Venkatesan Play to Potential Podcast
  31. Career Plan – Job Application for Executives: incl. Bonus – The right strategy with guaranteed success, apply with templates, convince with motivation & cover letter, sell with a perfect resume Simone Janson
  32. Making It: What Today’s Kids Need for Tomorrow’s World Stephanie Malia Krauss
  33. Orientación vocacional: Pienso luego elijo: Testimonios, reflexiones y ejercicios para una buena elección Mariano Muracciole
  34. The American History for Beginners D. H. Montgomery
  35. Increase Enthusiasm at Work Gauri Janvekar
  36. 640: 68.00 Tenzin Priyadarshi on his book - Running toward mystery - a life of leaning into the unknown Play to Potential Podcast
  37. 639: 67.00 Ashley Whillans on her book - Time Smart - How to reclaim your time and live a happier life Play to Potential Podcast
  38. 638: EP2.00 Vinay Sitapati on the Jugalbandi between LK Advani and AB Vajpayee and lessons in Leadership Play to Potential Podcast
  39. 637: 65.00 Ashish Dhawan on transitioning from Private Equity to Social Impact and Leadership in the Social Sector Play to Potential Podcast
  40. 636: 64.00 Marshall Goldsmith - A masterclass on Executive Coaching Play to Potential Podcast
  41. 635: 63.00 Venkat Krishnan on Philanthropy and Giving Play to Potential Podcast
  42. 634: 62.00 Whitney Johnson on Disrupt Yourself: Applying Clay Christiansen's model of Disruptive Innovation to our career paths. Play to Potential Podcast
  43. 633: 61.00 Atul Khatri on how he transitioned from an IT Business to becoming a successful Stand-Up comedian Play to Potential Podcast
  44. 632: 60.00 Andrew Likierman on mastering the elusive art of Judgment Play to Potential Podcast
  45. 630: 59.00 R Gopalakrishnan - Insights on CEO Transitions from his book Crash Play to Potential Podcast
  46. 620: 58.00 BJ Fogg on his book Tiny Habits Play to Potential Podcast
  47. 609: 57.00 Jennifer Garvey Berger on Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps Play to Potential Podcast
  48. 597: 56.00 Raj Raghunathan on The pursuit of happiness: Insights on prioritizing happiness in life Play to Potential Podcast
  49. 582: 55.00 Matthew Walker on Sleep - The Swiss Knife of health and wellbeing Play to Potential Podcast
  50. 573: 54.00 Jennifer Petriglieri on her book - Couples That Work: Making dual careers work Play to Potential Podcast