In the World but Not of the World: The Liminal Life of Pre-Constantine Christian CommunitiesA. Sue Russell
Communion Ecclesiology and Social Transformation in African Catholicism: Between Vatican Council II and African Synod IIIdara Otu
Wisdom Is a Woman: The Canonical Metaphor of Lady Wisdom in Proverbs 1–9 Understood in Light of Theological AestheticsLance Rundus
1 Enoch as Christian Scripture: A Study in the Reception and Appropriation of 1 Enoch in Jude and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahǝdo CanonBruk Ayele Asale
Understanding Korean Christianity: Grassroot Perspectives on Causes, Culture, and ResponsesK. Kale Yu
Transforming Service: Reflections of Student Services Professionals in Theological EducationVarious authors
Regeneration, Revival, and Creation: Religious Experience and the Purposes of God in the Thought of Jonathan EdwardsVarious authors
An Ethic of Hospitality: The Pilgrim Motif in Hebrews and the Refugee Problem in KenyaEmily Jeptepkeny Choge
Experiencing the Gospel: An Examination of Muslim Conversion to Christianity in CambodiaThomas W. Seckler
Fear God, Honor the King: Magisterial Power and the Church in the Reformation, circa 1470–1600Andrew Allan Chibi
Toward a New, Praxis-Oriented Missiology: Rediscovering Paulo Freire’s Concept of Conscientizacao and Enhancing Christian Mission as Prophetic DialogueRosalia Meza
Decolonizing Mission Partnerships: Evolving Collaboration between United Methodists in North Katanga and the United States of AmericaTaylor Walters Denyer
Write That They May Read: Studies in Literacy and Textualization in the Ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Scriptures:Essays in Honour of Professor Alan R. MillardVarious authors
Interrogating the Language of “Self” and “Other” in the History of Modern Christian Mission: Contestation, Subversion, and Re-imaginationMan-Hei Yip
The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 1: A Formational Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: From the Beginning to the BaptistJohn DelHousaye
Rise of French Laïcité: French Secularism from the Reformation to the Twenty-first CenturyStephen M. Davis
Leaning Both Ways at Once: Methodist Evangelistic Mission at the Intersection of Church and WorldJeffrey A. Conklin-Miller
African Pentecostalism and World Christianity: Essays in Honor of J. Kwabena Asamoah-GyaduVarious authors
Jeanne Guyon’s Mystical Perfection through Eucharistic Suffering: Her Biblical Commentary on Saint John’s GospelJeanne de la Mothe Guyon
The Pastor as Friend?: Understanding Dynamics of Friendship and Friendliness Within a Pastoral MinistryDan Holder
The Interpreting Spirit: Spirit, Scripture, and Interpretation in the Renewal TraditionHannah R. K. Mather
A Pedagogy for Planetary Convivência: A Freirean Perspective to Think Pedagogy OtherwiseDébora B. A. Junker