Irreversible Damage: A detailed summary of Abigail Shrier's book to read in less than 30 minutes

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Irreversible Damage: A detailed summary of Abigail Shrier's book to read in less than 30 minutes

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Cover for Irreversible Damage: A detailed summary of Abigail Shrier's book to read in less than 30 minutes
Cover for Irreversible Damage: A detailed summary of Abigail Shrier's book to read in less than 30 minutes

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  • Julio

    20 de jul. de 2023

    It is not only anti trans, but it is also unscientific. Fear mongering at its core here. Please take off the Lgbtq+ tag. This is in poor taste and is based purely on the writer's anti-queer narrative. This book is not only harmful, but it is also highly based on bad estatistics and conservative bias. I ask storytel to please remove the tag if they care about the good of their platform. Censoring bad media won't make things better, but promoting them to the group that they attack the most is awful at best and downright unethical at worst.