My Darling Duke

119 Avaliações


10H 43min
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My Darling Duke

119 Avaliações


10H 43min
Aprender idiomas


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Cover for My Darling Duke
Cover for My Darling Duke

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Classificação geral baseada em 119 avaliações

Outros descrevem este livro como

  • Reconfortante

  • Romântico

  • Aconchegante

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  • Jess

    7 de jul. de 2022


    Story: Really cute romantic story. I love me some Historical Romance with a grumpy Duke. The way that the author writes was just a bit too poetic for my taste, every little thing became a bit of a psychological dive into meanings and euphemisms. Narration: While the narrator has done an amazing job at making different voices when there was dialogue, I had to get used to her intonation during descriptions. It was really hard to understand at first. She reads in a sing-song kind of way that sounded completely unnatural to me. After a bit, I was able to follow her and understand the descriptions without any problem, but I couldn't really speed up the audio because that would throw off the rhythm even more and make me lose the line of thought.Steam: There are a few steamy scenes but definitely on the low side for my taste hehe. It took a LONG time for something to happen so I felt that the very end of the book was quite heavy on steam to make up for the lack of action before.