Money Enough : Everyday Practices for Living Faithfully in the Global Economy: Everyday Practices for Living Faithfully in the Global EconomyDouglas A. Hicks
Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations: Creating Contexts Where People FlourishJustin A. Irving
Watch With Me: and Six Other Stories of the Yet-Remembered Ptolemy Proudfoot and His Wife, Miss Minnie, Née QuinchWendell Berry4
Talking to Kids about Gender Identity: A Roadmap for Christian Compassion, Civility, and ConvictionMark Yarhouse
Not All Roads Lead to Heaven Devotional: 100 Daily Readings about Our Only Hope for Eternal LifeDr. Robert Jeffress
Sweet Tea Secrets from the Deep-Fried South: Sassy, Sacred, Southern Stories Filled with Hope and HumorJane Jenkins Herlong
Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God's TruthNatalie Abbott