

  1. Wonderland 2 E1: El menor de mis problemas Benito Olmo
  2. Independencia: Terra Alta 2 Javier Cercas
  3. El oro de Mefisto - dramatizado Eric Frattini
  4. La cordura del idiota Marto Pariente
  5. Avaricia Juan Eslava Galán
  6. Sublimación - E01 Clara Peñalver
  7. Efecto colateral Rafa Melero
  8. La llave 104 Paz Castelló
  9. El laberinto de Agua - dramatizado Eric Frattini
  10. Así matamos al Patrón. La cacería de Pablo Escobar Don Berna
  11. Osama Bin laden: la espada de Alá Eric Frattini
  12. A Joosr Guide to… The Establishment by Owen Jones: And How They Get Away with it Joosr
  13. Killa City: John Milton Book 17 Mark Dawson
  14. ¿Murió Hitler en el bunker? Eric Frattini
  15. La CIA en el vaticano Eric Frattini
  16. The World's Worst Scandals: Sex, Lies and Corruption Terry Burrows
  17. The Deep State: A History of Secret Agendas and Shadow Governments Ian Fitzgerald
  18. Conspiracy: The Greatest Plots, Collusions and Cover-Ups Mike Rothschild
  19. Socialism Under The Microscope Rodney Howard-Browne
  20. The Cult of We: WeWork and the Great Start-Up Delusion Eliot Brown
  21. Cas Mercuri, la galàxia Bustos: La presumpta trama de corrupció que va posar fi a la carrera de l'hiperbòlic alcalde de Sabadell Sara González
  22. Faces Behind These Systems: 3 Felonies without Committing A Single Crime, How the Government Stole My Identity Nk Yahushua
  23. Seamos libres Osvaldo Bazán
  24. Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story Julie K. Brown
  25. Gangland Jared Savage
  26. Buddy Boys: When Good Cops Turn Bad Mike McAlary
  27. Turn a Blind Eye Jeffrey Archer
  28. Chaos under Heaven: Trump, Xi, and the Battle for the Twenty-First Century Josh Rogin
  29. Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina Sandy Rosenthal
  30. Nothing is Too Big to Fail: How the Last Financial Crisis Informs Today Kerry Killinger
  31. The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class Thom Hartmann
  32. Marked for Death Terry Gould
  33. A clean house?: Studies of corruption in Sweden Richard Öhrvall
  34. The Painter's Friend Howard Cunnell
  35. Ten Days in a Mad House Nellie Bly
  36. Revolting!: How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They’re Afraid Of Mick Hume
  37. Algo va mal Fermín Bocos
  38. La participación comunitaria en la formulación del plan decenal de soberanía y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, Nariño 2010-2019. Estudio de caso Alejandra Lizseth Álvarez Alvear
  39. Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans Mary Fricker
  40. The Hoffa Wars: The Rise and Fall of Jimmy Hoffa Dan E. Moldea
  41. The Brass Check: A Study of American Journalism Upton Sinclair
  42. Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil Charlotte Dennett
  43. All Honorable Men: The Story of the Men on Both Sides of the Atlantic Who Successfully Thwarted Plans to Dismantle the Nazi Cartel System James Stewart Martin
  44. Votescam: The Stealing of America James M. Collier
  45. The Interior Circuit: A Mexico City Chronicle Francisco Goldman
  46. The Crime of Imprisonment George Bernard Shaw
  47. Culture of Terrorism Noam Chomsky
  48. Democracy Inc.: How Members of Congress Have Cashed In On Their Jobs The Washington Post
  49. The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop? Francisco Goldman
  50. The Original Watergate Stories The Washington Post