The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius
The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius
The Spanish Mystics: Ecstasy and Communion: The Teachings of Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross
The Spanish Mystics: Ecstasy and Communion: The Teachings of Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross
Moses, Mount Sinai, and early Christian Mystics
Moses, Mount Sinai, and early Christian Mystics
The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius
The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius
The Spanish Mystics: Ecstasy and Communion: The Teachings of Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross
The Spanish Mystics: Ecstasy and Communion: The Teachings of Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross
Moses, Mount Sinai, and early Christian Mystics
Moses, Mount Sinai, and early Christian Mystics
11Klst. 50Mín.
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11Klst. 50Mín.
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Cover for The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius
Cover for The Wisdom of the Desert: The origins, way of life and spiritual practice of Christian Monasticism, the spiritual teachings of Evagrius