When August Ends

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49 Valutazioni




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When August Ends

49 Valutazioni




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Cover for When August Ends
Cover for When August Ends

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Basato su 49 valutazioni

Altri utenti descrivono questa storia come:

  • Romantico

  • Commovente

  • Tenero

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  • Giulia

    5 feb 2023


    It was very good. I think it's not perfect, but I don't know which part I would have changed. Everything was at it's place and everything went at its pace.Noah and Heather had a comical start. She was dancing in the lake, and he thought she was drowning. Heather is a 20-year-old owner of the property where he chooses to spend his summer, June to August. Noah is a 34 photographer who needed to detach himself from life.And that's all I will say about them, even if it's not so simple.I loved how the book talked about mental illness, how the characters understood depression and how it was present in their life.Heater life was kind of shit. She had a sister who killed herself. Her mother was depressed. Her father was not in the picture. She had so much baggage upon her, working two jobs to take care of her mother.But she met Noah, and even if he wanted nothing to do with her (because he told her when she shamelessly told him he was hot), he couldn't stay away.And Noah under....