Dark Psychology: Body Language and Manipulation Techniques Everyone Should Know about

5 Anmeldelser


5T 29M

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Dark Psychology: Body Language and Manipulation Techniques Everyone Should Know about

5 Anmeldelser


5T 29M

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Cover for Dark Psychology: Body Language and Manipulation Techniques Everyone Should Know about
Cover for Dark Psychology: Body Language and Manipulation Techniques Everyone Should Know about

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  • Hanne/Emma/Milly:)

    25. aug. 2020

    I don’t have a problem with the other three books although would not recommend, basic ideas and not particularly well structured. However the second book I have an issue with almost every sentence. Mainly that, you cannot use religion as a science, you lost all credibility with me when you compared everything to the devil. Although any addiction is an issue, making porn seem worse than heroin is a bigger issue, not okay. Reading this I couldn’t figure out if it was serious or not. Mind-numbingly stupid. Can’t believe people let them publish this. If you want to criticise porn then demand better of the industry, don’t blame the viewers for sex trafficking?!The book lacks evidence of all its claims, it doesn’t count when the sample size only includes Christians. It doesn’t count when you say “80% of women in porn don’t like their jobs” and then not say where you got this number from.I have so many more issues but there’s a limit on how long the review can beHated the book. Burn it.