
  1. Macbeth William Shakespeare
  2. Seydilerin Gelini Sebahattin Yaşar
  3. Harry Potter ve Lanetli Çocuk Birinci ve İkinci Bölüm (Sahne Metni Özel Baskısı) J.K. Rowling
  4. Bebek Sebahattin Yaşar
  5. Sütçü İmam Çağ Atay
  6. Miryokefalon Çağ Atay
  7. Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 1 Syougo Kinugasa
  8. Antakya'nın Fethi Sebahattin Yaşar
  9. Kız Gördesi Sebahattin Yaşar
  10. Hekimoglu Sebahattin Yaşar
  11. Karacaoğlan Sebahattin Yaşar
  12. Sivrisineği Öldürmek Cevdet Bayray
  13. Keşanlı Ali Destanı Haldun Taner
  14. Gemilerde Talim Var Sebahattin Yaşar
  15. Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett
  16. Learn German with Stories: Schlamassel in Stuttgart: 10 Short Stories For Beginners André Klein
  17. The Good Shepherd & Other Stories Philip Stanworth
  18. El mejor alcalde, el rey: El siglo de oro del teatro español Lope de Vega
  19. Eigentlich mag ich dich: Eine romance cozy Winter Haters to Lovers Geschichte Kikki Oskar
  20. Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist (NHB Modern Plays) Chris Bush
  21. Life Raft (NHB Modern Plays) Georg Kaiser
  22. The McKinnon The Beginning: Book 1 Parts 1 & 2 The McKinnon Legends (A Time Travel Series) Ranay James
  23. Lessing: Nathan der Weise (Novelaris Klassik) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
  24. When The Sun Went Out: A science fiction story Dr. Amr Mounir
  25. A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
  26. Sharma Saga Horace G
  27. Ghosts (1881) Henrik Ibsen
  28. Lady Inger (1857) Henrik Ibsen
  29. An Enemy of the People (1882) Henrik Ibsen
  30. The Feast of Solhoug (1856) Henrik Ibsen
  31. D H Lawrence - The Fight For Barbara: “It's not art for art's sake, it's art for my sake. ” D.H. Lawrence
  32. Pillars of Society (1877) Henrik Ibsen
  33. D H Lawrence - The Merry-Go-Round: “I love trying things and discovering how I hate them.” D.H. Lawrence
  34. The Acorn Planter: “A man with a club bat is a law-maker, a man to be obeyed, but not necessarily conciliated.” Jack London
  35. The Lady from the Sea (1888) Henrik Ibsen
  36. D H Lawrence - The Married Man: “A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board” D.H. Lawrence
  37. John Gabriel Borkman (1896) Henrik Ibsen
  38. D H Lawrence - The Widowing Of Mrs Holroyd: "I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets." D.H. Lawrence
  39. Little Eyolf (1894) Henrik Ibsen
  40. Dr Faustus - "Hell is just a frame of mind": "Hell is just a frame of mind." Christopher Marlowe
  41. Hedda Gabler (1890) Henrik Ibsen
  42. D H Lawrence - David: “Money poisons you when you've got it, and starves you when you haven't.” D.H. Lawrence
  43. A Doll's House (1879) Henrik Ibsen
  44. The Vikings of Helgeland (1858) Henrik Ibsen
  45. The Assignation: “It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.” John Dryden
  46. When We Dead Awaken (1899) Henrik Ibsen
  47. D H Lawrence - The Daughter-In-Law: "Money is our madness, our vast collective madness." D.H. Lawrence
  48. The Well Of The Saints: "I'm a good scholar when it comes to reading but a blotting kind of writer when you give me a pen." J.M. Synge
  49. The King Of The Dark Chamber: "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." Rabindranath Tagore
  50. D H Lawrence - Touch and Go: "People always make war when they say they love peace." D.H. Lawrence