Det hemliga andra världskriget: Spioner, specialoperationer och underrättelseverksamhet 1939– 1945 Gavin Mortimer3.7
Silicon: From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness: From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness Federico Faggin4.3
Minecraft: block, pixlar och att göra sig en hacka - Historien om Markus "Notch" Persson och spelet som vände allt upp och ned Linus Larsson4.2
The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 1: 200 Pages of Ideas and Inspiration The Makers of The MagPi magazine
Linux: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn Linux Operating System, Command Line and Linux Programming Step by Step Ryan Turner4.5
HVAC Basics for Beginners: The Essentials of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning; Key Concepts and Tips for a More Efficient Home System Dean L. Howell
Software Architecture with Kotlin: Combine various architectural styles to create sustainable and scalable software solutions Jason (Tsz Shun) Chow
The Creation of a Conscious Machine: The AI Quest: Building Awareness with Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technologies Jean E. Tardy