SINISTER SPRING: Murder and Mystery from the Queen of Crime

29 Ratings


6H 33min

Short stories

SINISTER SPRING: Murder and Mystery from the Queen of Crime

29 Ratings


6H 33min

Short stories

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Cover for SINISTER SPRING: Murder and Mystery from the Queen of Crime
Cover for SINISTER SPRING: Murder and Mystery from the Queen of Crime

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Overall rating based on 29 ratings

Others describes this book as

  • Cozy

  • Page-turner

  • Thrilling

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  • Anushka Reddy

    26 May 2023


    A collection of 12 short mysteries from Agatha Christie, Sinister Spring is a good pick for anyone who loves the author, the mystery-thriller genre, or are in a reading slump. With a dozen unique stories, it will keep you attentive throughout. The theme of the crimes (murder, theft) varies from serious to hilarious, with tinges of romance, tragedies and sometimes absurd! This is a good example of the author's expansive writing style, covers a lot of detectives (Poirot, Parker Pyne, Marple) and also a good book to start with, if you are an Agatha Christie virgin.The title of the book is also stuck with throughout the book by introducing elements of spring like gardening, birds or fields. Out of the 12, these were my favorite:The Herb of DeathSwan SongGreenshaw’s FollyPS: WATCH 'THE DISSAPEARANCE OF AGATHA CHRISTIE' BY buzzfeed unsolved