Leah on the Offbeat

204 Ratings


7H 6min

Teens & Young Adult

Leah on the Offbeat

204 Ratings


7H 6min

Teens & Young Adult

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Cover for Leah on the Offbeat
Cover for Leah on the Offbeat

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Overall rating based on 204 ratings

Others describes this book as

  • Heartwarming

  • Romantic

  • Cozy

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Showing 2 of 204

  • Deepan

    11 Jun 2021


    The pleasure of reading this follow-up is that you can very well read it as a standalone. Characters do merge in and you do need to the basic storyline of the first book, but there is nothing that drastic that you can't deal with or understand in here.Becky knows how to strike a cord deep deep inside the heart of the reader.

  • Anushka Reddy

    21 Jun 2023


    It’s a re-read for me!Not changing my rating at all for this re-read.Its a really good story of of teenage friendships, romances and it well, as Leah keeps mentioning in the book, ends in a crazy prom night, as any teenage romance novels should. Its a sort of generic story but why I absolutely love it is because of the MC- Leah! I was a plump teenager and my insecurities always got the better off me. There was no one I could look up to and with a character like Leah, things might have felt normal to me back in the day.I love how Leah is not only a badass drummer who owns her body, but also is an insecure, self-doubting teenager. The former inspires me, the latter gives me someone to relate to. I feel heard and not alone and would have loved to have a book like this 10 years ago.Since I am on a reading marathon, my reviews this week will be short.