I Was Born for This

482 Ratings


9H 45min

Teens & Young Adult

I Was Born for This

482 Ratings


9H 45min

Teens & Young Adult

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Cover for I Was Born for This
Cover for I Was Born for This

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Overall rating based on 482 ratings

Others describes this book as

  • Heartwarming

  • Cozy

  • Page-turner

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  • Anushka Reddy

    17 Jun 2023


    Okay, I am not rating it as high as I did with other Alice Oseman books because they were more relatable and perfect. However, this was a unique and interesting read. TW: Attempted suicide, self-hate, violence, invasion of privacyThe story alternates between Angel (Farishthe) Rahimi, a fangirl who dedicated her life to worship a boyband, The Ark, and Jimmy Kaga-Ricci, the frontman of the Ark. In very different ways, both of them have a lot of gratitude to the Ark. I related with Angel a lot. There was a time in my life when being a fan of Little Mix not only helped me fight my demons but also helped me find some amazing people who helped me cope with so much. A weird chain of events follows Angel as she gears up to meet the members of The Arc and watch them perform live. She is suddenly acquainted with the girlfriend of one of the members and somehow finds herself with Jimmy. As their lives meet, they make a few hasty decisions that eventually help them figure out their issues

  • NightSpire

    28 Jan 2021


    This was awesome! Love how realistically Alice writes all the characters. Jimmy was my favourite. Roan was so supportive. And Lister was the best!!! The fandom part was well written and not overly cringey.

  • Deepan

    20 Jun 2021


    Umm not the best Alice Oseman, but yes definitely cute and heartwarming as all of her works.